Too many business owners mix and mingle their personal and professional finances. Even if you are a sole proprietor keep you business business, and your personal personal. Set up separate checking accounts and if you need some funds from your small business, write yourself a check, or make a cash withdrawal. This will help come tax time when you need to separate business expenses. Even though the form of business is a path-through, you should still make sure a separation takes place. This will make expense tracking and budgeting much easier on you.
Tip #2: Keep Up to Date
Falling behind on your bookkeeping will only make matters worse. Set a specific time aside to deal primarily with record keeping. This will make tax time easier and quicker for you or your accountant. If you simply do not have the time necessary to complete the task, then look at outsourcing the work, or bringing in a part-time bookkeeper. This necessary function of business is so crucial to the success of the business that if cannot be put off and forgotten.
Tip #3: Use Your Numbers
Your financials can tell you a lot about your business, you just have to know what to look for. Check with your financial guru (CPA, bookkeeper, financial analyst, and/or consultant) at least quarterly and have them give you a thorough breakdown of your financial position. These individuals should be able to give you a written and oral report on how your business is functioning. Which areas are weak, and which are strong. Along with that they should also provide advice and an action plan on how you can go about strengthening your financial position.
Recognizing revenue and expenses can make a difference in how your business performs month-to-month and how your taxes are calculated. If you use the accrual basis accounting system your year and month end numbers will be quite different then the cash basis accounting. Be sure you know what accounting method you are using, and how to recognize revenues and expenses correctly.
Tip #5: Check, Check, and Double Check
Hey! The article provides awesome information about accountancy and I appreciate because it will help for small business owners to maintain their business accounts. Hope you would post relevant informative articles in future too!
ReplyDelete"Keep it Separated"
ReplyDeleteVery good explanation. I would like to add - that
keep the friends away from business. Love, friends and obligations do harm to the business development
I couldnt agree more. @ Subrahmanyam, true. Keep the family away from the business too. I would like to add, avoid debts. Cash flow is very important. Balance the expenses and the resources at hand.