Tuesday, January 26, 2010


With baby boomers finally arriving at retirement age, the Web is the place to be for planning their escape from the 9-to-5 grind. With retirement savings, the earlier you start, the better off you'll be when the time comes to rely on your investment strategies for your income.

Studies how that people normally spend more time planning a vacation and do better research on buying a car than getting ready for retirement. If you are part of the majority of people who put off planning for your "golden years" until your thirties, forties or even fifties and sixties, there are still ways to maximize the money you've put away or invested.

Get all the facts and check out tips, advice and online tools and calculators specifically geared to retirement planning, savings and investing, social security, IRA's and other tax deferred retirement plans as well as estate planning information...

Quicken Retirement Planner Help - Information on financial planning focusing on tax issues, healthcare, insurance, and more.

AARP: Money - Feature articles on social security, insurance, estate planning.

WIFE - Women's Institute for Financial Education - Offering information, tips & advice specific to women's retirement with discussions on choosing the best IRA 401k plans, stretching retirement cash, retirement plans for the self-employed and related issues.

American Savings Education Council - Focusing on ASEC programs, with a retirement calculator, articles, tools and resources on financial planning.

Planning For Retirement - Top notch, multi-part article on financial planning for retirement from MetLife.

InvestorGuide University - Retirement Planner - In-depth look at social security, IRA's, estate planning, and more.

AARP - Insurance - Guides to several types of insurance for those with retirement plans including details on long term health care, disability and life insurance.

Money Magazine - Best Places to Retire (US) - Guides to the best cities for living on retirement income and enjoying it. While you're there check out the retirement section for plenty of great articles and expert advice on planning your retirement or making your fixed income stretch.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Secret of Lowering Your Small Business Taxes

The Internet's Leading Tax Reduction Expert reveals just how easy (and legal) it is to reduce your taxes by $2,000 ... $3,000 ... $4,000 or more……

"The Ultimate Guide To Slashing Your Business Taxes"

How To Save Thousands Of Dollars In Taxes By Incorporating Your Business For FREE And Using EVERY IRS Tax Avoidance Secret

  • Incorporate your business easily and without spending high fees on consulting
  • Use your new incorporation status as a huge tax break by showing you every deduction you're entitled to
  • And finally, show you the little-known secrets of reducing taxes sharply for any small business owner